Throw vs Blanket: What's the Difference?

People around the world take out their blankets as soon as winters arrive. Some have to use them throughout the year for survival. One can't imagine spending winter without a blanket. But here is something you need to pay attention to. There is another fabric sheet, which is similar to the blanket. You might confuse it with a blanket, even though that is different. It is about throw, which people also use for layering. Knowing the meaning of a blanket and a throw will clarify lots of confusion. Then you can choose what is right for night sleep and what is suitable for daytime napping. 


The function of any product defines its worth. Unless you use it at the right place, you can't utilize that good fully. Since we are discussing throw vs blanket, some major differences highlight both. Although they seem similar, they are incomplete unless you use them properly in the right place.

Blankets are Suitable for Warmth and Night Sleep 

When it comes to night sleep, nothing can replace a comfortable blanket in cold weather. This is the biggest reason why blankets are used all over the world. Full coverage is required from head to toe and right to left. A blanket should cover an entire bed because it provides enough warmth.

Let's clear it up again. What is a blanket? It is the thickest fabric covering whose purpose is to provide user warmth and comfort without compromising sleep. If your blanket cannot give you insulation in the cold, there is no need for it then. This is where one can trust blankets for thickness and warmth.   

Throws are for Layering and Furniture Decor

Then comes the throw, which plays two roles; one has a layering, and the other is a décor fabric. What is a throw blanket, by the way? It is a thin or medium-level fabric sheet that you can use to cover your body on a sofa, bed, or chair. Its length is less than a blanket, so it is also suitable for decoration. 

People use it for these reasons, but the most common one is yet to come. What is a throw blanket used for? It is the best choice for napping because it is lightweight and breathable. Anyone anywhere in your home can use it to cover their body while napping. People spread it on their sofas to contrast them in layering. The same can cover the body when watching a movie in a TV lounge or bedroom.

Size Difference 

There is another difference, which is in the form of size. One major difference between a throw and a blanket is their sizes because one is much larger than the other one. 

Blankets are Larger Than Throws

When you choose a blanket, there are many sizes available. The reason is that it is compatible with the size of the mattress. That's why you can define a blanket as thick fabric layering that matches a user's size. Kids and adults have different heights, and you can find blankets in various sizes because of that. 

Many sizes are available, from 60 inches x 80 inches to 100 inches x 108 inches. They are supposed to cover the entire mattress from corners to corners. So, if you find this much size, understand that you are dealing with blankets instead of throws. You will find throw blanket dimensions completely different from them. 

Throws are Smaller 

When we talk about throws, we talk about small sizes because they are for sofas and chairs. They are not supposed to deal with the length of the mattress. That is why you will find their dimensions limited to mostly one type. 

You will usually find throw blankets measuring 50 inches x 60 inches in the market. This is the most common size, and it is available everywhere. There might be small sizes for kids, but the above dimensions are limited for a reason. 

They are lightweight and supposed to be used for napping, and you will find the same size everywhere. They are easy to spread on a sofa or chair and also easy to fold. Throw blanket size is the same, no matter which material you choose. The only thing that you will find variety in is material and color.  

Materials and Types  

You will find similarities in materials, but the blankets take edge again. 


You will find materials like wool, cotton, fleece, linen, cashmere, velvet, etc. Throws are available in all these materials, which you can choose at your convenience. The best material for a throw blanket depends on your living conditions and climate. People usually like cotton or wool, depending on their climate. A cotton throw will be good and comfortable if you are looking for normal weather. If you are dealing with a cold, wool will be suitable for you.


There are different types of blankets available in the market, where some are prominent. They are fleece blankets, weighted blankets, comforter blankets, faux fur types, down blankets, etc. They are very common in the world because of their texture and durability. 

Besides, you will find a variety like microfiber, wool, fleece, cotton, polyester, linen, silk, acrylic, flannel, etc. These are different blanket materials that rule the bedding industry. No household can survive without having any of these types in cold weather. These blankets are popular worldwide, especially in North America, Europe, Central-North Asia, and other cold parts.

Final Point 

It is all up to you which suits you the best. All the reasons mentioned above are for your clear understanding. Depending on your climate and lifestyle, you can choose to get the most comfortable sleep and nap at home.

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